Hemp Protein vs Whey Protein
Both whey protein powder and hemp protein powder are effective in meeting your macro nutrient protein needs. We know maintaining a balanced whole food diet is the key to a happy and healthy life.
Hemp seed is the most nutritious seed on planet earth due to its balanced macro and micronutrient profile, packed full of protein, omegas, minerals, vitamins, fibre and enzymes.
The main benefit of hemp compared to whey is hemp seed delivers a substantial amount of a macro and micronutrients. Whey has plenty of protein but lacks important micro nutrients compared to hemp seed.
The human body needs to maintain a pH in a narrow range, between 7.35 and 7.45, to function properly. This pH range provides the ideal working environment for the body’s fluids and tissues. Most foods in the western diet are acidic therefore its a good idea to eat as much alkaline food as you can to maintain balance.
Whey Protein
Whey, the liquid residue of cheese, casein and yoghurt production is intensively processed to isolate the protein and often mixed with flavourings and sold in giant colourful tubs as a “supplement.”
Advances in membrane filtration and chromatography have enabled an economically viable commercial process for the fractionation of whey into highly purified protein, often up to 90% protein by weight making whey cheap and easy to mass produce.
Put simply whey protein products are far from whole foods.
By weight whey protein contains more protein than hemp. Whey contains mostly alpha-lactalbumin and beta-albumin and is particularly high in branch-chain amino acids. The amino acid profiles of whey protein and hemp protein differ, but both contain all essential amino acids.
Hemp Seed Protein
After squeezing the hemp seed for its delicious and nutritious oil, the remaining product is finely milled into hemp seed protein. Whole hemp seeds contain 25 percent protein, 30 percent fat and over 80 percent of the fat is the prized polyunsaturated fatty acids - essential fatty acids omega 3,6 & 9.
Some of these healthy fats remain after oil pressing, meaning hemp seed protein has the omega 3 anti-inflammatory properties found in the oil. Hemp seed products should be kept in a cool dark place out of sunlight to maintain the health properties of the seed.
Hemp seed protein is a complete protein meaning it has all the 9 essential amino acids and the additional 12 amino acids including all three branched chain amino acids – very few vegetable protein sources have a complete amino acid profile.
Hemp’s protein is mainly from edestin and albumin, two proteins that are easily digestible, essential for growth. Hemp has especially high levels of arginine. Hemp’s amino acid profile is similar to egg white protein. In one scoop of hemp protein there is approximately 16 grams of protein.
A good source of B vitamins – particularly Niacin (B3), Thiamine (B1), Folate (B9) and vitamin B6. This plant protein also provides antioxidants, is very high in Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and chlorophyll.
Protein Suggestions
Whey protein boasts more protein per 100g than hemp; however, hemp protein has got more protein and iron than steak and contains healthy poly unsaturated fats and fibre which we know are beneficial for joints, skin, hair, gut bacteria, bowel regulation to name a few. According to the American Heart Association most adults are consuming too much protein. Hemp seed food products are part of a balanced diet. The USDA encourages Americans to eat more plant-based foods because they may reduce the risk of many diseases.
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My husband has Multable Myloma cancer of the marrow bone. would the hemp oil be of any use to help him give him more energy and make him feel any better hes been on chemo for about 8 years. Thankyou Sharron Parore .